WordPress Toolkit: Your cPanel tool to install and manage your WordPress site with ease

With the new WordPress Toolkit Deluxe feature recently integrated by cPanel, managing your WordPress has never been easier!

The WordPress Toolkit installer simplifies all the manual tasks you frequently need to do to manage your WordPress site. With just one interface to use, you can easily install your WordPress site, manage themes and plugins, ensure your site’s security, run necessary updates, and much more. WordPress Toolkit makes WordPress hosting easy to manage.

WP Toolkit Deluxe is now active on all our web hosting plans.

Install your WordPress with the WordPress Toolkit

1. Log in to your cPanel.

2. In the Domains section, click on WordPress Toolkit.

3. In WordPress Toolkit, click the Install WordPress button.

WP ToolKit Installation

4. The installation page will appear, and you need to fill in all your WordPress website details.


Installation Path: Choose the path where you want to install WordPress. You will see your WordPress files and directories in this folder.

Website Title: Enter your WordPress site title.

Plugins/Themes: Select the plugins/themes you want to install for your WordPress site.

Website Language: Select the language for your website.

Version: Select the latest stable version.

Username: Administrator account username for your WordPress account.

Password: Password for your WordPress administrator account.

Email: Email address for your WordPress account.

5. Add your MySQL database details.

6. Enable automatic updates: This option is considered the most important as it ensures your site will always be online and secure as updates become available, whether they are minor or major. You can also enable automatic updates for plugins and themes.

After deciding this, go ahead and click Install to start the website installation process.

Congratulations, your new WordPress site is created!

Install Your Themes and Plugins

Once your installation is complete, the window shown below will appear. This will give you the option to install plugins. These plugins come directly from wordpress.org.

WordPress Setup Complete

If you click on ‘Install plugins’, a new window will appear with a list of available themes and plugins to install, along with all their details (ratings, download numbers, publisher name, etc.), giving you all the information you need to decide if it’s the right plugin/theme for you.

If you later realize you missed an important plugin or need to modify your plugins and themes, you can always find and manage them in these tabs on the main dashboard.

Find and Install Your Existing WordPress Website

Let’s say you previously created a WordPress site and want to integrate it and manage it directly in the WordPress Toolkit. As long as the site already exists under your account, you can click the ‘Scan’ button. This option will then search through your account directories and find any existing WordPress sites there.

Backup Your WordPress Site

On the website you want to back up, select “Backup / Restore.”
In the dropdown menu, select the “Backup” button.
WordPress Toolkit will now automatically create a backup for you.

Restore or Download Your Site Backup

Search through your latest available backups in WP Toolkit.
Select the site you want to restore/download.
Click the restore or download button on the right.

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