How to force SSL or HTTPS with .htaccess?

It is possible to enforce SSL (HTTPS) using `.htaccess`, but first, ensure that `.htaccess` is not among the hidden files.

The `.htaccess` file is typically located in the public_html directory of the site. If your website is in a subdirectory, the `.htaccess` file should be placed in the corresponding subdirectory.

You can create or edit the `.htaccess` file via FTP or by using the file manager available in cPanel.

.htaccess is Hidden

By default, the `.htaccess` file is hidden. To view hidden files in the cPanel file manager, follow these steps:

1 – Log in to your cPanel account

2 – Navigate to the File Manager.

File Manager

3 – Click on the Settings button in the top-right corner.

4 – In the Preferences window, check the option Show Hidden Files.

Hidden Files cPanel

5 – Confirm by clicking the Save button.

Now you can view all hidden files (including `.htaccess`) in the File Manager.

.htaccess cPanel

.htaccess is Not Hidden

If `.htaccess` is already visible, simply click on **Edit** and add the following rules to your website’s `.htaccess` file to enforce HTTPS:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

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