How to create an email forwarder in cPanel?

Creating an email redirector in cPanel allows you to automatically forward all emails you receive from one address to one or more other accounts.

This is particularly useful if you want to receive your emails on a personal address to keep track of them, but without displaying your personal email on business cards, websites, etc. An email forwarder is the ideal solution for you. It allows you to consolidate all your emails into one address for easy access.

Note: A copy of the email remains available in the original account.

How to Create an Email Forwarder in cPanel?

1. Log in to your cPanel interface.
2. Go to the Email section and click on Forwarders.

Email Forwarders cPanel
3. Click on the Add Forwarder button.

Add Email Forwarder cPanel
4. For Address to Forward, enter the email address from which you want to start automatically forwarding emails.
5. For the Domain field, select the domain name of your account.

Add Email Forwarder
6. Enter the address where you want to receive the forwarded emails in the Forward to Email Address field.
7. Click Add Forwarder.

Redirect Email Address cPanel

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