How do I configure DNSSEC on a .ma domain name?

Configuring DNSSEC on a .ma domain name is an operation that helps protect the domain name resolution process.

What is DNSSEC?

We all know that the DNS is a protocol that translates domain names into IP addresses, but how can we be sure of the authenticity of the IP address returned? An attacker could falsify a DNS response or poison the DNS cache, leading users to a malicious site with the legitimate domain name in the address bar.

DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is an option designed to ensure DNS authentication using digital signatures. It signs all DNS resource records (A, MX, CNAME, etc.) in a zone using PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). Now, DNSSEC verifies the authenticity of a DNS response (containing an IP address) using the public DNSKEY record.


Implementing DNSSEC on a .ma domain name or other extensions requires cooperation from several parties, as it must be deployed via the chain of DNS servers, so managing the process is not very easy.

If you wish to implement the DNSSEC protocol on your domain name registered with Cap Connect, please contact our technical support.

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